Leaves in Fall
Vera Sofia
Updated: Nov 24, 2020
On a walk, to my surprise
A waltz of color before my eyes
Red, yellow, and orange
Raining from the trees
In a fluttering dance
To the tune of Autumn
The choreography of their fall
Dictated by the wind
The leaves danced
With the gusts of the breeze
Until reaching the earth
A final rustle before rest
About the Author
Vera Sofia is an avid lover of literature, especially the modernists and the classics. She enjoys music as much as words and wishes she had more time to write creative fiction ( she is particularly inclined to produce the slipstream genre). Over quarantine, she read the eternal Anna Karenina by Dostoyevsky and she cultivated an herb garden that she's very proud of.
About the Piece:
The poem stirs up a gentle hope within me with its simple imagery. But that's just me trying to get reviewed before time, lol. As for the process, they just came to me and I put them in words.